Keep Your Pet Safe From These 5 Common Household Toxins

In recognition of National Animal Poison Prevention Week (March 19 – 25), let us share with you some of the most common household products that can be harmful to your furry friends.

#1: Medications

Pets, especially food-motivated dogs, have a knack for snatching pills before their owners can react. Medications are one of the most prevalent household hazards that animals consume; from an entire pack of heartworm preventatives to prescription cardiac medications. To reduce accidents and overdoses which could be fatal for pets, it is important to immediately contact an animal poison control hotline in case any medicines have been consumed by your pet.

#2: Food

Keep your furry family members out of the kitchen at all costs! Many common ingredients in our food can be incredibly dangerous for pets and cause a variety of illnesses such as kidney failure, alcohol poisoning, seizures, hypoglycemia, and more. Chocolate, macadamia nuts, xylitol, avocados unbaked yeast dough – not to mention grapes or raisins – should be strictly off limits. To keep inquisitive noses away from trouble spots like counters and trash cans invest in some secure latches that will help protect them from harm’s way.

#3: Household chemicals

To keep your furry friend safe and healthy, make sure to store all of these commonly found chemicals away from their reach:

  • Cleaning products
  • Disinfectants
  • Aerosol air fresheners and other products
  • Candles
  • Antifreeze
  • Windshield washer fluid
  • Paint
  • Glue
  • Nail polish remover


#4: Houseplants

Before you introduce a bouquet into your home or grow plants in the garden, make sure that they are pet-safe by consulting ASPCA’s list of toxic plants. Lilies can be deadly to cats, even from contact with just pollen! Houseplants such as dieffenbachia and spider plants also present a potential danger for pets; additionally, outdoor species like ivy and oleander must also be avoided. To keep all members of your family safe – including furry ones – stay informed on which blossoms are hazardous so that you select only those free from dangerous chemicals.


#5: Batteries and coins

If swallowed, batteries and coins can cause metal poisoning in your pet. Moreover, if the battery is chewed and punctured by your furry friend, it may lead to chemical burns. Furthermore, an intact battery that is swallowed whole could result in a gastrointestinal blockage—a danger you should be aware of!


If you believe your pet has been exposed to a hazardous material, don’t hesitate to contact our team right away!